path not found while resolving tree within virtual file system module

NCBI SRA download

Error of older 2020 version of SRA toolkit

fastq-dump & prefetch will save the downloaded .sra files in


Change the default SRA download directory by using vdb-config

prefetch --verbose ERR481290

"path not found while resolving tree within virtual file system module"


'HOME' variable might have changed (compared to installation of SRA-tools)

echo $HOME



Set SRA-tools config to default values (confirm new HOME directory):

vdb-config -i

# if path is correct, just confirm again by typing numbers: 6 and 7

# check setting file in your home directory (file generated by vdb-config)

cat ${HOME}/.ncbi/user-settings.mkfg

/repository/remote/main/CGI/resolver-cgi = ""

/repository/remote/protected/CGI/resolver-cgi = ""

/repository/user/default-path = "/home/my-user-name/ncbi/public"
