Normalization for comparing gene coverage values. RPKM corrects differences in both: sample sequencing depth and gene length.
RPKM - Reads per kilo base per million mapped reads
RPKM = numReads / ( geneLength/1000 * totalNumReads/1,000,000 )
numReads - number of reads mapped to a gene sequence
geneLength - length of the gene sequence
totalNumReads - total number of mapped reads of a sample
CPM - counts per million
CPM = readsMappedToGene * 1/totalNumReads * 106
totalNumReads - total number of mapped reads of a sample
readsMappedToGene - number of reads mapped to a selected gene
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RPKM is introduced in
Note, when applied to gene expression RNA-seq data,
RPKM can show a bias for lowly expressed genes.
TPM (transcripts per million) as alternative to RPKM (in case of comparing identical genes across samples)